Good dental hygiene is an important part of your pet’s overall health and well-being. Without dental care, bacteria and plaque buildup on your pet’s teeth and eventually harden into tartar. Tartar can cause gingivitis, receding gums, and even tooth loss. Dental disease can lead to pain and infections, with the potential of the infection spreading to other organs. In addition to retaining your pet’s teeth, regular professional cleanings are crucial in maintaining their overall health.
At Baldwin Animal Hospital, we will perform a comprehensive dental exam at your pet’s annual wellness exam. Our skilled veterinarians perform every dental procedure using advanced dental equipment, and our professional dental treatments will prevent your pet from suffering from dental diseases.
While your pet is safely under anesthesia, we will:
Baldwin Animal Hospital is also equipped to perform advanced dental care for your pet such as:
Digital radiology, also known as digital x-ray, is an advanced dental technology that allows us to examine individual teeth for bone loss, hidden fractures, or swelling that may be present. Thanks to digital technology, the images appear on the screen within seconds, allowing us to diagnose and treat your pet quickly and efficiently. This also reduces the amount of time your pet is exposed to radiation.
At Baldwin Animal Hospital, our veterinarians strongly recommend regular at-home dental care to prevent the buildup of plaque on your pet’s teeth. Brushing your pet’s teeth on a daily basis will reduce or eliminate plaque buildup. Plaque can progress to periodontitis, which is an infection characterized by inflammation and oral pain. If the periodontitis is left untreated, it will eventually loosen and destroy the teeth, possibly leading to bone loss.
Common signs of dental disease in pets include:
If your pet exhibits any of the signs of dental disease, please call us to schedule a dental exam for your pet.